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About Our Project

Voices of Hope is a nonprofit recovery community organization that provides services for those in active addiction, seeking treatment, and early recovery supports.

A Safety Net is comprised of people and services that a person can rely on to help when they are in a difficult situation.

We need your help to demonstrate how much our community cares and wants to support those with the disease of addiction.

Join us in making sure our community Safety Net is big enough for all those who need our help!



What to do

Meet us out at an event, at one of our recovery centers located in Elkton or Aberdeen, or you can reach out via email to get your bandana. You may write a message on the inside of your bandana if you like, and then it can be attached to the Safety Net. 

If you are in person or can meet us at an event, you can attach it yourself, or if you like, mail it back and we can attach it for you. 

With this bandana you are making a commitment to your community. 

Watch our Safety Net grow through our blog! 

Bandana Colors

I am in RECOVERY  - purple

I have a loved one in addiction- red

I have lost a loved one to addiction- white 

I support Recovery- yellow 

I Support Harm Reduction- green


  • Carry Narcan

  • Volunteer at local recovery organization

  • Donate money

  • Contact local elected leaders asking them to support recovery community organizations

OR contact us at


Contact Us

Thanks for submitting!

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